Sunday, August 8, 2010

half way done!

Hello Everyone,
Sorry it's been awhile since I've done a "real" update (other than pictures or prayer requests). Things are going well here in Taiwan. Here are some highlights (and lowlights) from the last few weeks....
- completing the NET TESTAMENT!!!
- studying the book of Exodus for 50 hours last week! (literally 50.... we keep a time log)
- sharing Christ with a new friend Darren, at the ROCK coffee-bar - for more info, check out
my prayer requests page
- being able to spend time and connect deeper with a girl I'm discipling - Mandi (pictures of
her, and info about her on prayer requests page and photo page)
- have a couple of really good evangelistic conversations with my new friend Patient, who's
interested in coming to our coffee-bar, and has lots of questions about the Bible... the
reason she had to leave last time we were talking was because she was going to visit a
church with one of her Christian friends... woohoo!!!
- sharing about YWAM's Discipleship school, in my church yesterday
- leading worship for our SBS, and teaching team.... and singing on worship team at church
- seeing a Moody professor/friend, who's been speaking all over Taiwan (saw him Sat. 7/31)
- great late-night talks with my 2 roommates (form Taiwan and Vietnam)

- buying my plane ticket to visit home!!!
- continuing to make deeper connections with people at church - it is truly a HOME church now! My group of friends at church - enjoying bowling in honor of Tom and Sarah moving to Japan. We're sad to see them go, but praying the move helps Sarah's health!

- finding out my town, Danshui is the largest place for idol production in all of Taiwan
- sitting next to a lady on the train last night who had scars from self-mutilating temple
worship all over her arms, neck, legs, even her fingers.
- finding out my little sister is nearly as tall as I am, and will reach me by the time I make it
home..... this is a low-light for me... but a very high high-light for her... goodness!

Thanks for trackin' me down - hope you're enjoying a wonderful week. Please feel free to leave a comment, or question. I'd love to hear from you.

Friday, July 16, 2010

pictures from Taiwan

Just wanted to show you some recent pictures from Taiwan also... it's been awhile since you've seen anything new! :)

our entire SBS class (staff and students) 2010

Our SBS classroom where I spend at least 3 mornings a week in class, and many more hours studying! (Taken Friday, July 16th after class)

view off our 7th floor rooftop

worship team practice at my church in Taiwan!

enjoying some traditional Vietnamese food cooked by my Vietnamese roommate!

Chris - a Taiwanese friend that I'm discipling (also goes to my church in Taipei). See last post with prayer requests for information about Chris and his sister (Alice), both of whom I'm discipling. :)

updated prayer requests

Hey all,
It's been awhile since I've updated this blog because I'm using my website more often now, and life is intensely busy with SBS.... not that that's a good excuse, but it's the truth. Just wanted to share some recent prayer requests with you. :) I originally sent this to my church family in the US, so if you don't know who "Pastor Jeff" is; it's the senior pastor at my home church. And "matt Hulst" is another YWAMer, who's now living on the same base as I am, and is from that same small-town church in Iowa (crazy! Yea - we live in a small world). Thanks for your prayers and support as I dig into God's word and love on His people!

As I prepare for a test over the entire New Testament this morning, I wanted to let you into my world here in Taiwan. Yes, I study the Bible everyday, but God is moving outside of that as well. I appreciate you as a church home, and some of my most faithful prayer warriors.....THANK YOU!! Here are some specific ways in which you can be covering me in prayer.

Michael (21) and Chris (22)– Two Taiwanese guys that I’ve built relationships with; both are believers. Pray as I continue to pour into them, and disciple them that they will understand Christ and grow to love him more as they watch my life. Michael just got back to Taiwan after going to university in Pennsylvania, USA and would like to get plugged into an English speaking church this summer while he’s home!

Alice (21 – one week younger than me!) and Michelle (22) - Two Taiwanese ladies that I’m discipling. Michelle has been a believer for a couple years now, but has recently begun teaching English to some Mormon missionaries (who are all over Taiwan). Please pray she will be wise as she teaches them, and take everything they tell her back to God’s word, and not dwell on the false teaching they try to implant in her mind. Ultimately; pray she stops teaching them. Though she wants to win them for the Lord, she’s still learning and it would be easy to fall into their false teaching if she’s not careful. And Alice, who is not a Christian, I’ve just begun meeting with. Her English is not as good as I thought, but she is Chris’ (guy from above) sister, and so he will come along most of the time to help translate while we talk. This helps me, because things she doesn’t understand, he can explain in a way that makes sense since he knows his sister far better than I do! She is very eager to learn and get to know me – praise God!

Church relationships – I’ve begun to get more involved in my church; Agape International, in the last couple of months. I’ve recently joined the worship team, and relationships are forming and growing. I also prayed the closing prayer last Sunday (off the cuff – our pastor reminds me of Pastor Jeff sometimes) ;)

If you'd ever like updated information, pictures, or see what I'm studying in our Bible School, please stop by my ministry website at:

PS - Matt Hulst and I both say "hi" this time; it's been a joy getting to spend time with Matt and see how God is using him mightily in Taiwan since his arrival a couple months ago!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

New Site

Hi all,
Just wanted to let you know about a new website I've created. It's more interactive, and informational about what I'm doing. There are pictures, videos, maps, polls, etc. about my work and life in Taiwan. Check it out, and please let me know what you think, what you would like to see more of, or any other comments. :) Thanks!!


I will be keeping this blog as well, but for more in-depth/theological posts. The other website will include shorter updates about my life and work in Taiwan!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Route

Hello from Danshui!
Sorry it's been so long since I've written. Here's the bullet point list of what's happened since I last wrote.
- My dad came to visit Taiwan for 2 weeks
- the other 3 DTS staff returned to Danshui, and we had a great two weeks of staff training
- I've changed "jobs" - I'm no longer staffing DTS
- I'm now studying in the School of Biblical Studies (SBS)

Things changed quite quickly. But, we only have 6 students in the DTS that's currently running. And the leadership knew that though our 4 women staff have worked before, and enjoy working together, and are doing well and love staffing DTS; there was the possibility of one of us doing something different. So, after talking to our base director, the leader of DTS suggested that I do the Biblical studies school this year, instead of next year like I was planning. So, after praying about it, and talking to some wise counsel (including family), I decided to go for it. It is a very intense program. Lasting 9 months It's very much a full-time job. I am working 10 hours a day 5-6 days a week. But it's well worth it. Many of the people I know who have completed SBS say it was the best year of their life! (there's a picture of some homework from the first week of class on the left-hand side of this blog page)

I'm enjoying SBS, and though there are many long days, short nights, and lots of hand-cramps because I'm writing all of my homework out by hand (my computer died 2 days before SBS... God works in mysterious ways :) ), I am being stretched in molded in new, deep ways. I've also had many opportunities to share what I'm learning. Just last weekend a Taiwanese friend asked me if I would begin teaching them the Bible!! An answer to a prayer I began before SBS even officially started, and a new adventure I'm anxious to begin. :)

Thank you for your prayers, and continued support. I'm sorry it took so terribly long to update you. More to come.... from Asia.
~Miranda Kay

Friday, February 5, 2010

why I do what I do

I've been back in Taiwan now for nearly a week, and my priority this weekend is blogging and sending a newsletter about the past 2 months that I spent in China and India. So please remember that patience is a virtue - updates are coming!

However, I wanted to pass along something I was given today. It's a note from one of our students from this past DTS. He grew up in LA, California and at the age of 14 became a drug dealer. In the coming years, he went on to lose over $25,000 USD in gambling, work for multiple gangs in LA, stay in juvenile hall for awhile, and even get shot at point-blank range. God's hand of protection has been on this young man his whole life. He's not beginning to realize it.... this is why I do what I do.

I came into D T S seeking change,but in the back of my head i had doubts i could change
. I grew up in my unhealthy lifestyle for 20 years
what was 5 months going to do for me?
But what happened was exactly that. The change i needed came.

God continued to seek me throughout the school never giving up and i doubt he ever will.
With God's love, he has changed what i once thought was unchangeable.
God conveniently placed me in a team with such strong staff and classmates.

Many times i was challenged by even my younger classmates ones say, 5-6 years younger. Amazing.

What i had failed to realize before was all of us come from very different back rounds and pasts, we can still learn so much from each other.
we all here together in this school trying to be closer to God, get into better habits and overall trying to change, our mindset and our lives.

God's love is so strong it can change thing sometimes without you even realizing yourself.
Also with the support of a strong gracious leader and very patient staff you realize that God's timing is perfect, while ours is probably usually not as good as his.

Maybe this next school is God's timing for you to change your life for better!?=)

Thank you JESUS!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Daily Life

Here are some pictures of my daily life here in Taiwan. :) Enjoy!

first, here's the link to a video one of our staff on base made of his walk to work. I walk the same roads, and I thought it might be fun for you to see my walk to work in the morning. friends celebrating a birthday (top L to bottom R)
Martin-SBS student, Miranda-DTS staff, Stephen (missionary not w/ YWAM), Jeanine-DTS student, Becky-SBS student (b-day girl), Lydia-here on her shool of evangelism outreach, Ruth-language team

teaching English to Kindergartners at the elem. school in the mountains nearby

I made dinner for some SBS students - we got creative with our dessert - roasting marshmellows over a candle, with chopsticks. :)

some of the paperwork I have to do for my visas

our neighbor burning money, hoping his prayers rise to the ancestors and gods along with the smoke

Lecture in our classroom

prayer with the week #7 speakers on the last day

helping a student mail a letter back home (notice the iowa shirt)